Gentleman magazine

Did you know?

The quarterly magazine is unique both domestically and internationally. It represented the highest quality among men's magazines. Therefore, it is a special honour to have a four-page interview in the autumn 2013 edition published about us.

The appearance is important to us not only because of its advertising value, but also because we can absolutely identify with the values of the magazine. Quoting the words of editor-in-chief Árpád Pósa in 2011:

"Since I have been the editor-in-chief of Gentleman magazine, I have been much more interested in the question of what makes a man a gentleman. We talked to a lot of people, sometimes we even argued about it. Now, after almost two years, I can formulate the answer verbally even in a single word. Respect. If you think about it, you can see that this is what our world lacks the most. Our fellow human beings, especially women, work, performance, our environment, respect for nature, private property, our traditions, our future, concepts of life, and worldviews. If there is respect, there is patience, there is understanding, there is appreciation, there are values, and new values are created."

Other interests

Shoemaker's World Championship

When we have something custom made, authenticity is always important. When making a unique pair of footwear, for example, it is a fact not to be neglected if the shoemaker has been among the best in the World Championship of Master Shoemakers on several occasions. Most recently, he returned home with 4 gold medals.

The Giant Shoe

Kozma Shoes' well-known shoemaker, Romulus Tibor Kozma, created the world's largest hand-stitched leather shoes, thus entering the Book of Records.